1. Get the source numerical values
Numerator is 333143543545.12
Denominator is 124.32
the source fraction is
2. To eliminate the decimals in a fraction, we can multiply both the numerator and denominator by a common factor that makes them whole numbers.
1) clear the decimals in a fraction by multiplying both the numerator and denominator, =
2) clear the decimals in a fraction by multiplying both the numerator and denominator, =
3. Calculate the greatest common divisor (GCD) using the Euclidean algorithm
let 33314354354512 is a, 12432 is b, then:
33314354354512 / 12432 = 2679726058 ...... 1456
remainder is 1456, not eq 0, so go on...
let 12432 is a, 1456 is b, then:
12432 / 1456 = 8 ...... 784
remainder is 784, not eq 0, so go on...
let 1456 is a, 784 is b, then:
1456 / 784 = 1 ...... 672
remainder is 672, not eq 0, so go on...
let 784 is a, 672 is b, then:
784 / 672 = 1 ...... 112
remainder is 112, not eq 0, so go on...
let 672 is a, 112 is b, then:
672 / 112 = 6 ...... 0
remainder is 0, eq 0, the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of 33314354354512 and 12432 is 112
4. Finally
Found GCD of 333143543545.12 and 124.32 is 112
= =